
How To Reduce Pdf File Size In Adobe Reader

How to Reduce PDF Size with Adobe Acrobat

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PDF file size reduction tin can be done in a number of ways. You can reduce PDF size in Acrobat and other downloadable PDF editors, you tin can utilise function-specific tools like PDF compressors, or y'all tin reduce PDF file size online with a web-based awarding. Using Acrobat to reduce file size is relatively straightforward, just if you're looking for how to reduce PDF file size in Adobe Reader DC - or even an unregistered version of Adobe Acrobat DC or Pro DC - then you're out of luck. Allow's beginning look at how to reduce PDF size in Acrobat during the complimentary trial period or with a registered product. After that, nosotros'll take a quick tour of PDFelement, a totally gratuitous solution to minimize and optimize PDFs.

How to Reduce PDF Size with Adobe Acrobat DC

Things can get a little confusing with Acrobat considering at that place are two options to save a PDF file in this particular context: you tin either save information technology equally a "reduced size PDF" or equally an "optimized PDF". As one professional illustrator puts it, the commencement pick is a "quick and muddy approach." The meliorate way would be to save it every bit an optimized PDF considering information technology gives you more control over the optimization, downsampling, and other technical parameters, every bit shown below:

reduce pdf size acrobat

  • 1. After opening the file, in the "Tools" department of Acrobat DC or Acrobat Pro DC, wait for the "Optimize PDF" module.
  • ii. Alternatively, you tin use the tool menu on the right sidebar, which gives you boosted optimization choices.
  • iii. Once you have the PDF Optimizer window on your screen, y'all can choose the Downsample method, resolution, compression, and quality. You'll also be able to create custom settings and salvage them for future tasks.
  • 4. Click "OK" when you're washed tweaking the settings and wait for the file size reduction to happen. Save your file with a different name to foreclose overwriting the original.

How to Reduce PDF Size with Adobe Reader DC for Free

As mentioned in the outset, you cannot reduce PDF file size with Adobe Reader DC since it is essentially a viewing tool for PDFs. You besides can't use Acrobat DC or Pro DC once the free trial period has expired considering those become defunct versions that are only suitable for viewing PDFs and doing a few other modest tasks.

One option open up to you lot is to upgrade to a paid subscription, but that'due south expensive when you lot don't need whatsoever of the other tools. For case, if y'all but need a costless tool to optimize your weekly newsletter earlier emailing it to your customers, it doesn't make sense to invest in expensive software.

A better pick here would exist Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor, a premium PDF editor with a very flexible free trial. The free version is virtually unlimited in functionality except for a few small restrictions, such every bit how large your files tin can be or how many files you lot tin can convert in a single batch. Fifty-fifty if yous opt to upgrade and take advantage of all its basic and avant-garde PDF tools, you'll be paying a fraction of what it costs for a DC or Pro DC license for Acrobat. That's why PDFelement is widely considered equally affordable alternatives to Adobe Acrobat DC and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, respectively.

acrobat reduce file size

If yous practice upgrade, you can enjoy all the features shown below:

  • Total-fledged PDF editing capabilities that include text, epitome, object, link, and other PDF components. Information technology too includes the ability to add together, change, and remove other content such as headers and footers, text and image watermark backgrounds, embedded media, annotations, and merely most anything else.
  • It lets you lot review, comment on, and comment PDFs with an impressive range of markup tools like highlighting, sticky notes, text boxes, callouts, shapes, arrows, stamps, so on.
  • Create PDFs from scratch or utilize a large template library to get started. Y'all can even create PDFs from more than than 300 other file formats, including image files, text-based documents, spreadsheets, slide presentations, HTML, EPUB, and others.
  • Convert PDFs into several unlike output types based on your requirements. For example, tables can be converted to spreadsheets, graphs can be converted into paradigm files, and and so on. The tool is flexible and offers numerous custom options for PDF conversion.
  • Sign PDFs with digital signatures to legally validate a certificate.
  • To protect PDFs from being viewed, edited, printed, or copied, this software offers strong encryption algorithms that permit you to employ passwords to grant access and modification rights for specific users. It can so be shared conveniently via deject, e-mail or uploaded for web utilise, making it an ideal collaboration tool for remote work.
  • Forms can be created, filled, or converted from non-editable formats to editable and fillable PDF forms. Boosted tools let you import, export, and extract specific data from and to PDF.
  • OCR processing supports 20+ languages to transform scanned PDF to texts.
  • Batch processes include file size reduction, watermark management, OCR, grade data extraction, and more.

You can exercise most of these with the free trial version, and that includes reducing PDF size. The uncomplicated steps are outlined in the following department.

How to Reduce PDF Size without Adobe Acrobat

The procedure here has been tremendously simplified so that new or inexperienced users can work similar professionals, thereby increasing their efficiency and overall productivity and throughput.

Step 1. Open up a PDF

Open the PDF file in question using one of many ways: apply the "Open up File…" link on the welcome page, use the "File" menu to import information technology, or but drag the PDF over the PDFelement icon or the software window to bring it in.

adobe acrobat reduce file size

Pace 2. Resize PDF

Click on "File" and go to "Optimize"; hither, you lot'll come across a slider control for selecting output quality and a existent-fourth dimension preview of your final file size after optimization. Once you're comfortable with the quality setting, just hit "Optimize" to reduce the file size. Yous will be prompted to salvage the file - modify the name slightly and then you maintain the original PDF as-is.

adobe reduce file size

And that's all there is to it - no fussing with raster compression, downsamples, and other technical $.25. Compared to most other PDF editors, PDFelement has 1 of the well-nigh user-friendly interfaces in its software segment because of its intuitive and uncluttered design.

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How To Reduce Pdf File Size In Adobe Reader,


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